Thursday, February 23, 2006

NSPCC 'Help us stop it' campaign wins Online Creative Award

The NSPCC have been awarded online creative of 2005 in the Internet Advertising Bureau UK and MSN Creative Showcase Grand Prix Awards for 2005 in a recent ceremony.

The campaign which was done in partnership with the Times online between July and September 2005 and produced by

The content of the fundraising campaign asks people to look at the issues the NSPCC deals with on a daily basis from a child's point of view and uses stark and compelling images and text.

>> See the campaign creative

Sunday, February 19, 2006

it is not just about the signups

get up
Australian based has only been around for 12 months, but in that time has allowed people to have direct and frank discussions with their elected representatives on many of the socially and civiclly defining issues that have been been many and furious in Australia this year.

From industrial relations, voluntarty student unionism, the current debate on RU486 and whether politics should have influnce in matters of heatlh not only provide Australians a way to contact and communicate with their politicians but also provide ongoing discourse and updates about the issues they are campaigning on in their blog.

Which comes back to my title, "It is not just about the signups". The whole point about engaging people with the issues that affect us all is about creating a ongoing movement of people who in their daily lives, think, feel and take aciton.

By providing a blog that is engaging, current and lively encourages people to look at the issues in a different way than just reading about it in the newspaper or watching the news on TV. The use of the blog enables people to add their own comments, debate with others and own the issue.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Meatrix returns

Following on from the success of their flash animation based on the Matrix, the Global Resrouce Action Centre for the Envrioment (GRACE) and Free Range Graphics, have teamed up again to bring us The Meatrix 2: Revolting.

Whilst the campaign offically launches in March, GRACE and Free Range Graphics have started a very clever teaser campaign to help raise the profile of the animation. The teaser campaign which features, a trailer, posters, images, content for blogs and email drive for 1 million newsletter sign-ups, has been crafted to make full advantage of the boom in community/social networking tools and culture.

It will be interesting to see if the teaser campaign hits it mark and delivers the sign ups, more importanly weather people who sign up help promote and further support the campaign objectives.